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Having been lulled into a peaceful sleep by the sound of the owls I awoke on Saturday refreshed and ready to put my personal encounter with this commercial mess at Stonehenge behind me. Opening the tent, I was welcomed by a damp air that kissed the green and gold fields on the slope in front of me, the clouds were heavy, it looked like rain might touch us today. Today was to be the first of a two day megalithomania conference, I was looking forward to these talks, most of the speakers I had already heard beforehand on YouTube and enjoyed what they had to offer about megalithic stone sites, temple structures, their relationship to the stars planets, sacred water, geometry, earth energies and Leylines and lots more. Ancestors? Myself and Chris both got sorted and headed for Glastonbury town hall where the conference was to take place. It was only two miles away and we would go into the local Sainsbury's for breakfast sandwiches, well Chris did anyway. My fill was taken beforehand back at the campsite with coffee. We parked the car for the day and walked down the main road passing set johns church on the way. This street is packed with the most interesting and beautifully laid out shops I've ever seen, crystals shops book shops, music shops clothing shops and mix of cultural shops, if you’re at all weird this is the town to be in. Jim Morrison once sang some lyrics that describe me perfectly, (people are strange when you’re a stranger, faces look ugly when your alone!). These words bring a whole university of strangers together who pretty much in their home towns cannot express themselves as they do in this ancient land of Avalon. I am not alone when visiting Glastonbury, I am neither weird as I feel at home sometimes. we are all one thing in this place, we are one with each other and we are one with the land we journey on, a friendly and welcoming smile is always on the streets of this little old town in the mystical Wiltshire landscape. As we walked down to the town hall I looked behind as I heard someone close by crossing the road coming towards us in the same direction I registered a face then looked again, it was Martin Morrison, I had only known of this gentleman online he does videos of many megalithic sites in Scotland where I live. "Wow" what a surprise (a synchronicity) it was to meet this guy in Glastonbury, the first person I had bumped into that morning and going to the conference on this first day. I have a lot of admiration for Martin and the work he has done over the years visiting and recording these ancient sites. We introduced ourselves and spoke of his site (before Caledonia) on YouTube and face book. A lovely guy with a very genital manner. We spoke for a time outside the town hall before registering. And with this we parted to look around. Me and Chris both went into the conference hall to get seats the hall was pretty much empty at this point with one or two staggered individuals. Chris headed towards the middle of the hall, my stomach jumped {"no chance I thought, I can't do that”} I prefer to be on the outside or at the back when I am listening to people in a conference setting, I am always aware of the people around me and especially those behind. I where a hat so this doesn't help any! I spoke to Chris and we decided to sit at separate places. This week was a time not so much as holding space for each other but more importantly to give space to each other I learned lot about myself throughout our tour because of this space.

I found my seating place up the back as did Chris in the middle. Over the weekend we bumped into Each other throughout the conference hours and shared things we got from the talks. I sat for a while before an elderly lady with an obvious disability came in and sat on the end of the row, her name is Sylvie a lovely quite lady, we acknowledged each other with politeness we spoke little over the two days as synchronicity repeatedly put us back at the same seats lol yes maybe two or three times our seats were taken by others before I'd get back in for the next speaker, but we would end up back in the same places. For me this let me know and understand that words are not always necessary to form friendships. We sat in each other's presence and we knew! We are now friends on Facebook as well. For me in life it's the little things, the simple things that bring me the most joy and satisfaction, "compassion, forgiveness, honesty, integrity selfless acts of love without expectation these things bring me online and closer to my creator. Over the weekend I heard all the speakers and enjoyed them all, there was one I was looking forward to but I did not get to hear as some technical difficulties occurred. I can't say which I enjoyed the most and I wouldn't in open forum for I believe each have their truth and that truth I have no right to dispute, I got what I needed from each of the speakers most good and some not so much in my line of thinking but each challenged my mind into exploring my own conscious thoughts and ideas on any given subject.

I had ten minutes before the start of the conference so I took myself off for a smoke and couldn't but notice the room with the stalls in it again. I avoided this on the way in and as I was going to be there all weekend I might as well go in and get it over with, I have spoken about the many shops in Glastonbury but I did not tell you of my reluctance to go in or even look. I've been to this town a few times now and know how easily I lose time within these magical premises, everything screams "come buy me" and when money isn't in my favour these places are not the best environment for me to be in lol. I want everything and can see nothing because of everything being in the way, that may sound crazy but think of it like the cute little fur balls in the film the gremlins turning from cute to the destructive little monsters they rapidly grow into. Well this is how it is for me, the longer I am in one of these shops the more I want and lust for these shiny colourful items become in me, triggering off greed and a whole lot of other stuff I do not need in my psyche. On entering the room, I looked at a stall with some t-shirts, will I get a t-shirt? I got one at the awakening conference! I then moved quickly round the 6-8 stalls that were there, mostly books, DVDs pictures. I noticed one stall up the back corner of the room and gazed over some drum bags ahh I thought a drum bag I have needed two of these for some time now and smiled to the couple who were at the stall, the Gentleman Peter knight was selling books, I didn't know then but these were his own and the lady who makes the drum bags is his wife, Peter had a great talk on his book and even then I don’t think I put the man on stage with the man behind the stall. I left and returned at the next interval to ask about the drum bags, the prices were great but more to the point I met the lady who will clothe my drums in person, this for me is important and a build-up of synchronicities before this brought me to their door. On the Sunday, I bought a drum bag for my 16inch stag skin drum I birthed last year, Linda and Peter also took the measurements for my Saami egg drum made from reindeer skin. I'll receive this in due course and look forward to it. I met and spoke with a lot of nice people over this weekend, but none more special as Sylvie an avid follower of megalithomania with a beautiful peaceful energy I lingered in for hours, thanks Sylvie for your presence. At the end of the first day me and Chris hooked back up and met Martin on the way out. Martin said he may be going up the Torr the next day if we would like to join him, I could think of nothing better than to spend a few hours on the Torr with Martin. Chris and I where both in agreement that this would be a good plan. That evening we got back to camp just as the sky’s started to clear, the stars came out and again I heard the owls although this night it was seldom. After another great sleep, I woke up to nice sunny views and the deer grazing in the long golden fields in front of me it was may the 21st it was my birthday. My wife had given me a couple of presents to bring down and open. On opening I find a bottle of Joop aftershave I had not tried yet and the next one blew me away, a full leather covered book of shadows, it's perfect the best gift ever. we ventured back to the town hall where we met those we had met the day before and some I hadn't met. The sun was out and made standing outside chatting pleasurable. Ok so I went back into the stall room and bought a megalithomania book (it was my birthday anyway!). In all the weekend conference was brilliant a mix of conversations and great speakers make it a must go for me next year. After the conference, we met up with Martin outside the town hall, we all had separate things to go on with and we all agreed to meet up Glastonbury Torr at 8 or thereabouts for the sun setting after nine. The views of the landscape from the Torr are to die for the energy is in my opinion buzzing with life and healing properties, I have been on this site a few times now capturing the sunrise and sitting in the stillness of the night, to capture the sunset with two great guys on the Torr would be the best end to a great weekend and to my birthday I could wish for. What great photos and videos I would have. I got back to camp and had myself a recharge of coffee and sat for a while as the days sun shone through scattered cloud. Chris and I both had arranged to do some drumming up the Torr as the sun set so I wanted to get there earlier rather than later. I took off and within 15 min I arrived at the car park at the foot of the Torr. I was getting my stuff out the back of the car and turned to an American woman asking if I saw anything? I had noticed the car window had been smashed and immediately thought that it was someone maybe lost their keys or something and had to break it to get belongings, in my horror I realized what had happened and could have only been minutes before. ""My god does this really happen here"" she said, I was lost for words, I think I was as shocked as she was that this could happen at such a busy time in such a beautiful place. I asked if anything was taken and her reply was "everything" her bag with her cards money and passport all gone. I tried to comfort her but my words would fall short I would expect, how can I help? I’ll try to call the police that's a thing I can do. 20 minutes and not an answer, by this time she had approached a couple of guys playing a sax and drum to see if they saw anything, they hadn't and proceeded to tell us this was a crime committed on this site regularly. The nearest police station was in street a couple of mile away near the campsite, during this time she said that she had seen me at the megalithomania conference earlier on that day, we exchanged names Tamara is her name and we are friends on Facebook now. synchronicity to me is spiritual guidance. I decided I would escort Tamara to the police station but had to give Chris and Martin a call and let them know that I would not make it for the sunset. We cleared the broken glass that remained on the window and she followed me to the police station but first I went the wrong road and thought? well I'll not tell you that but I was happy she turned and followed me. We got to the station where we exchanged names to add as Facebook friends and said our farewells. I got back to the Torr and guessed that Chris and Martin would be coming down shortly so I text to say I where I would be. I got out the car with my drum and sat by the bell drumming for a bit. The area had become quite and the peace was nice, after a time I moved up next to the orchard where I did a little more drumming when I got a txt from Chris saying that they were both down the bottom of the Torr on the other side. On catching up with them I apologised for my absence and having missed spending time on the Torr with Martin. We hugged with the promise of a meeting soon, maybe cairnpapel hill with the drums.

Myself and Chris got back to camp soon after, I was buzzing with life, I had not done the thing I set out to do but I was in the right place to do that which was asked of me, I was present in the moment and conducted myself in that manner, not reacting but acting on an impulse to help another human needing my time. Is it my time really? This I had no choice over I give of myself freely or else I think of what I'll miss out on, if I think with this mind on what I might miss I become bitter and resentful but to live in the now is to be used as a channel wherever the need may arise. A channel of peace some might say, in this place synchronicities are a way of life a way of predicting the future or as others put it, to enter the great Akashic hall of records. It is through giving that one receives the blessings the universe has to offer, for each selfless act one makes, they gain tenfold in return. It is a shame it takes someone else's misery to bring a little bit of joy and gratitude into my life. I learnt a lot from this horrible event and met a very nice lady as well. To give my time to Tamara was the highlight of the full day giving me a sense of satisfaction having dealt with it without thinking of what I may be missing on the Torr, I was responsible and in service to my higher power. That night I sat under the stars feeling whole listening to the owls talk to each other across the fields as I went into a deep thoughtful place, reflecting on the events of the day. I met a few special people over the weekend and spoke for a short time with some of them including some of the speakers, Patricia Awyan, Peter Knight and Scotty Skinner, whom I have the honor of having as friends on Facebook.

Love & light

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